Cheval Relax

9350 Ft22950 Ft

This supplement was specially created for sporthorses. During competitions, under transportation and when staying at foreign facilities our horses are under stress. With this supplement you can support the horse's nervous system.


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This supplement was specially created for sporthorses. During competitions, under transportation and when staying at foreign facilities our horses are under stress. With this supplement you can support the horse’s nervous system.
Usually we pay very little attention to the magnesium supply of our horses and its important rope in their body. Along side oxygen, air, water and general feed, magnesium can be one of the most important elements in maintaining their health. It influences the transport of oxygen to the muscle tissues, thus contributing to proper musscle function and promoting a calm and balanced state.

Some horses are not noticeably deficient in magnesium, while others become hard to handle due to ‘joviality’, hypersensitivity and hyperactivity.

In addition, it activates enzymes for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids, which are essential for protein synthesis. In addition to magnesium, our supplement also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of serotonin (the ‘happy hormone’) and acts as a transmitter of stimuli in the brain. It also contains vitamin B6, which affects the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems.

Therefore, when our horses are deficient in these elements, they can become spooky and sensitive. Supplementing their feed with Cheval Relax can make them more calm and balanced.

Feeding recommendation:

horses 30-50g/day = 1-2 spoonful/day

ponies 15-30g/day = half-1 spoonful/day.

Recommended for all age groups and sexes.

Feeding Cheval Relax does not substitute a healthy and essential diet, and does not eliminate the behavioural problmes caused by inadequate technological conditions, diseases or incomplete training!


Additional information

Weight 1,2-3 kg

3 kg, 1.2 kg